Primary School (age 3 to Year 2)
At RB, our dedicated and experienced teachers use the Early Years Foundation Stage British National Curriculum to plan student learning. This programme emphasises the development of the whole child – intellectual, social, emotional and physical aspects of learning – within our unique international context.
As part of our international and often mobile community, our children have unique needs. Many will be new to English, some are living in a country away from extended family, and all have to learn to welcome new friends and say good-bye often.
School plays an important stabilising role for our families. Teachers and children build community within their classrooms, and it becomes a secure place where the children can learn to become part of a group while developing a positive self-identity.
Our teachers are particularly skilled at helping children to become independent, to adapt, to become resilient in the face of change, and to develop compassion and tolerance for those whose perspectives and experiences may be different than their own.
At the Primary School, we recognise that every child is different and brings a unique combination of experiences, attitudes and aptitudes to school. The combination of careful assessment of the individual – along with teacher knowledge of appropriate practice – allows us to educate young children extraordinarily well. As parents are the people who know their children best, we value our partnership with parents in determining ways to support each child.
Our Primary School is a wonderful place for children. Their safety, well-being and learning are the focal points around which we make decisions. We have developed a rich, responsive curriculum to engage children and a unique facility for learning to take place. Most importantly we have created a nurturing, caring community to welcome your children.