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Royal Britannia Kindergarten

Royal Britannia Kindergarten

Specialist subjects


Arabic instruction at RB is organised by proficiency level. This means that whichever level a student may be in, all students working at the same proficiency level will have similar learning expectations. To ensure that children are challenged at every stage in their development, lesson content and materials become more complex as children progress through the school.

-View the RB Learning Arabic Handbook for details


Learning about and through music promotes creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and social interactions. Music experiences include listening, playing instruments, singing, notation, recording and performing. Music is taught by specialist music teachers.

-View the RB music curriculum overview in EYFS for details

Physical Education

Taught by specialist teachers, our physical education programme increases students’ awareness of healthy choices, develops fitness and skill levels, and encourages life-long healthy living. Units include collaborative games, team sports, gymnastics, dance, athletics, and adventure challenge.

-View the RB PE curriculum overview in EYFS for details


Art includes a broad range of experiences such as collage, pottery, drawing, culinary art, mask making, painting, printmaking, sculpture and textiles. Students learn about local and global artists, now and in the past. Art is taught within the classroom and/or by specialist art teachers.

-View the RB music curriculum overview in EYFS for details

Drama Curriculum

Drama includes the development of creative skills, verbal and non-verbal expression, an awareness of the perspectives of others and aesthetic appreciation. It enables students to communicate in powerful ways that go beyond their spoken language ability.

Through drama, students can begin to construct an understanding of their community, their environment and their own feelings and emotions. The drama scope and sequence framework identifies the major expectations considered essential in the EYFS.

These expectations are arranged into six strands: creative exploration and expression, technical incorporation, performance, personal and social development, reflection, evaluation and appreciation and drama in society.

-View the Drama curriculum overview - grade by grade Drama