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Royal Britannia Kindergarten

Royal Britannia Kindergarten

Partnership with Parents

In our mission, we very purposefully state that we are a family-oriented school. Developing a partnership with parents is not only extremely important to us, it's also beneficial to student learning. Open and on-going communication with parents is one of our top priorities, and there are many opportunities for parents to be involved at our school – and in their child’s learning.

School to Home Communication

Frequency and format of school to home communication varies by each Hub, but we strive to communicate on a regular basis and ensure open lines of communication. Twice each year, formal parent/teacher conferences provide a face-to-face meeting opportunity and during the spring conference students are also invited to participate.


Reporting to parents comes in many forms. Written student progress reports are sent home two times per year and parent/teacher conferences are held twice a year. At various times throughout the school year parents are also invited to their child’s classroom to learn about the units of inquiry.

Parent Forums

Several times during the school year, each Headteacher hosts a parent forum. Topics range from curricular areas to use of technology, and details regarding dates and topics are communicated via newsletter and the online calendar ( link to the calendar for dates).

Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

At RB,  the PTG facilitates unity between parents and the school through a variety of events including book fairs, welcome coffees and information fairs, and annual celebrations like Magic Carpet events, National & Liberation Day, World Arabic Language Day, Field Trips, Environment Day, Pink Thursday and Mother’s Day. PTG country coordinators are also often available to welcome new families and answer questions in their native language.


Whether helping plan major events, assisting teachers in the classroom, sewing costumes and building stage scenery, or running the concession stand at athletic events, volunteering makes a meaningful difference to a student’s overall experience at RB, and provides just one more avenue for parents to make a connection with their child's school.