Behaviour of Learning
Resource (Early Years Educator) HODDER EDUCATION
The Speech and Language therapist will be involved if the child has communication issues. These may be due to difficulties in articulating words or in processing language.
As speech and language are so important to literacy, children who are not making expected progress in their language or who may have difficulties in pronouncing or hearing certain letter sounds may need additional support. Speech and Language Therapists assess children’s needs and offer advise to Homeroom Teacher or work directly to enable them to make progress.
The Occupational therapist will be involved if the child has a special need in relation to their fine motor skills and will provide information and specialist equipment if needed.
Some children may need additional support in order to cope with the physical process of literacy as they may have difficulties in coordinating or using the fine or gross motor skills associated with writing or holding a book. Occupation therapists who are involved with children will aim to maximise their movements and to find ways of helping children to access literacy.
Behaviour therapists will support the needs of children who have behavioural and emotional problems.
Physiotherapists will be involved if the child has a special need in relation to their gross motor skills.
Healthcare professionals may be involved if the child has medical needs, and in particular if they will need additional support in school.