School Clinic
Health program
RB health program ensures promoting health and wellbeing, preventing illness and spread of diseases, as well as providing care and treatment when necessary. For any health problems it is the responsibility of the parents to visit their pediatrician and follow up on their advice.
Health clinic
RB health clinic is manned by a registered nurse who is assessing each student should he/she become ill or have an accident at school. The nurse then decides whether the child stays at school goes home for further care. Parents/guardians are informed timely about their child’s condition and, if necessary, the need to be picked up.
School medical records
In order to provide the best care for our students and to comply with the School Health Department at the Ministry of Health Kuwait students must have a complete medical file before first day of school at RB. This file shall be updated every year before first day of Term1[download the update form here] .
The medical file shall include:
- Child Health Record completed and signed by the parent/guardian[download here]
- A current copy of the child’s vaccination card
- Physical fitness registration card issued by MOH clinics before school entry
- Medication administration consent form [download here]
- Medical report -only for those students with specific medical conditions or special needs (epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, allergies, congenital heart, developmental issues, etc.) The report should include:
- Type f condition (diagnosis)
- Assessment
- Trigger (if applicable)
- Treatment /preventive measures
- Whether treatment during schol hours is necessary
- An rder for emergency medication if needed
Diseases prevention
As part of our commitment to minimise the spread of diseases among our students advise the parents NOT to send their children to school and have them checked by a doctor when they have the following in the last 24 hours:
- Flu and/or fever (37.5⁰C and above)
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea, stomach ache
- Sore throat, ear ache (with or without fever)
- Red eye with tears/discharge
In cases of communicable disease (chicken pox, mumps, measles, rubella, etc.) we request students to return to school only after complete cure and with a clearance certificate from the doctor.
In cases of children with allergies -parents are requested to provide us with a medical report stating the type and severity of the allergy and, if prescribed, two (2) EpiPen and a signed and stamped prescription.
Any illness that requires 5 days of rest or more is recorded in the child’s medical file and requires a signed and stamped sick leave note from the doctor.
Medication at RB can only be administered by a registered nurse holding a MOH Kuwait license. Exceptions are allowed only in emergencies when any staff can administer rescue medications provided the staff is trained and parental consent is secured.
Medications available at RBK clinic are consistent with the list of approved medications by the School Health Department at MOH Kuwait.
Medication can be administered at school only with prior written consent by parent/guardian. A consent form for medication administration at school is required to be signed by parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year. Any medication administered at school shall be recorded in the clinic records and a note sent to the parents with the name of the medicine, dose and time of administration.
Parents are responsible for sending to school any emergency medication and/or medication for a temporary treatment, along with a doctor’s prescription. A note from the parent indicating the name and class of student, name of medicine, dose and time of administration is preferred.
Medication should not be put in the children’s backpack and handled by children at any time but sent with the adult dropping the child off or the accompanying adult on the bus. Any remaining medication will be sent back home the same day, handed over to the adult who picks up the child or the accompanying adult on the bus.
Emergency medications brought by parents for chronic conditions (Ventolin inhaler, insulin, EpiPen etc.) are kept in the clinic and administered by any trained staff in case of an emergency.
Medical Emergencies
In order to make sure that all children are safe at RBK the school nurse trains all staff in contact with children to safely handle most special health cases and medical emergencies.
In case of a medical emergency within the school premises, the following procedure will be followed:
- Subject is kept in the same position at same location, unless any of the two or both are unsafe
- First person at the scene will shout for help and call/ask someone to call the nurse immediately
- In the case where the subject is unresponsive with no obvious breathing and pulse the first responder (if trained) shall start and continue doing CPR until help arrives, then the nurse will take over
- In the case where the subject is responsive the nurse shall assess the situation, provide any First Aid and call 112 if necessary
- The family of the subject should be informed immediately
- A school representative shall accompany the subject to the hospital
- The nurse shall be in touch with the school representative and the family
Growth screening and nutrition
At RB we believe in “Mens sana in corpore sano” [A healthy mind in a healthy body], that’s why we are committed to not only help children achieve academic success but also grow and develop harmoniously by eating healthy and exercising.
We are performing growth screening (weight, height, BMI ) twice a year, at the beginning of the school year and beginning of Term 4, and record the findings on the student’s growth chart. In case of any abnormality parents are notified.
We strongly advise parents to pack healthy food in their children lunch boxes, avoiding chips, cakes, crisps, chocolates, nuts, candies, soda drinks.